This Medicines Management for Children and Young People with Cardiac Conditions e-learning resource aims to help health care professionals gain the knowledge and understanding they will need, in order to prepare parents/carers in their role of managing their infant, child or young person’s medications at home.
This E-learning resource was developed following a Service Evaluation of Telephone Calls received by Health Care Professionals from Parents at a Children’s Surgical Cardiac Centre in the UK (2019).
Of 206 calls, 67 (32.5%) were queries from parents about medications. These queries included: stopping medication, repeat prescriptions, issues accessing medication, general advice, dose queries and medication errors (Hollingdale et al 2019; Gaskin et al 2019 – see posters below).
The cardiac team recognised that a standardised approach to preparing parents would improve quality of the service and reduce risk, hence this E-learning resource idea was born.
You can access the free e-learning resource here
It is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Medicines for Children

have produced QR code posters about medicines used for heart conditions, available at the link below: