We’d love to share news about your educational events that are open to others.
Please send details to kerry.gaskin2@bcu.ac.uk
The NENC CHD Network are running an online programme ‘Improving clinical practice in Congenital Heart Disease’ starting 8th November 2024. Details in the flyer below
The London CHD Course is back again for it’s 21st year! Register for your place!

E-Learning for Health
The e-learning for health website has a huge range of resources for health care professional including two relevant to those of you working with children and young people with cardiac conditions:
- Cardiovascular Disease Toolkit (which has a section on paediatric recognition and management)
- Congential Heart Disease
Register free here: e-lfh.org.uk/
Genomics Education Programme – free online course:
Whole Genome Sequencing: Decoding the Language of Life and Health