The Fetal Nurse Specialist sub-group first started in 2014. Ten years on we are re-igniting this group, as many people have changed roles and practice has changed. The sub-group lead will attend the CCNA Executive committee meetings as a two-way communication.

We are also collaborating with colleagues in Australia and New Zealand

Here’s a list of Fetal Nurse Specialists in the group – if you would like to join the group please contact

Sophie Tooth , Clinical Nurse Specialist in Fetal Cardiac Care, Royal Brompton Hospital, London

Miranda Porritt, Sarah Kanter and Charlotte Dudley, Fetal CNS Team, Great Ormond Street Hospital , London

Rachel Birch, Children’s Cardiac Nurse Specialist. Southampton General Hospital

Kate Butler, Children’s Cardiac Nurse Specialist, Birmingham CHildren’s Hospital

Alice Hern, Evelina Children’s Hospital, London

Caroline Geary, Clinical Nurse Specialist-Cardiac Fetal Services, Children’s Health Ireland (CHI) at Crumlin

Karen Eagleson, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Fetal Cardiac Service/CHD LIFE Program, Queensland Children’s Hospital, Brisbane