Welcome to the Congenital Cardiac Nurse’s Association, Cardiac Educator’s Sub-Group. We aim to provide a link between different nurse educators working in cardiac services across the country. We would like to be able to share resources and ideas, and to provide a supportive network for problems and queries. At the moment we are very limited in numbers so please get in touch if you work in an educational role within cardiac nursing and would like to join the group, as we would love to hear from you!
Within this page you will find all the educational events that are happening across the country. As we are at the beginning of our development of this site, there may be limited information available currently. Please get in touch if you have any events planned and we will promote it through this site. We aim to be the central place for nurses looking for cardiac education.
Profile of Cardiac Nurse Educators
Di Robertshaw has spent over 40 years of her career working at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London. As a practice educator, Di is a senior experienced nurse and expert in children’s cardiac nursing, who provides clinical support, expertise and guidance to our nurses. Di is on of the founding members of the CCNA and is also our the Membership Secretary and Treasurer.

I’m Alison Wood, I am the Cardiac Nurse Educator at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, where I work alongside a team of nurse educators in the Faculty of Children’s Nurse Education. I worked on the cardiac ward in Bristol for many years in a senior nursing role before moving into the education team in 2019. I currently run foundation and advanced level cardiac courses, as well as contributing to other faculty-run courses, such as the critical care modules and stand-alone study events. Email:Alison.Wood@uhbw.nhs.uk

Hello, my name is Michelle Wakelin, I am the Cardiac Education Sister at the Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital. I worked on the cardiac wards for 19 years when I then covered the Blood Transfusion Practitioner role for a year and returned into an operational role looking at the flow of patients. Although always had an interest in cardiac education I moved into the role of the educator in December 2022. I work both clinically and, in the classroom, specialising in simulation. While at the moment we do not have our own course I run in house cardiac foundation study days and Contribute to other educational courses such as the Paediatric Assessment Skills. Email: michelle.wakelin@nhs.net

My name is Amy Weeden, I am the Cardiac Clinical Nurse Educator at Leeds Children’s Hospital. I work within in a well-established team of educators which cover Paediatric Critical Care across LCH. I have spent my career within the cardiac specialty and am proud to still work clinically as a sister on the ward alongside my education role. As a PCC team we currently run a regional L1/2 and L3 course with cardiac education embedded. I also provide stand-alone study days for staff at LCH and support with network education.